Sunday 10 April 2011

Relationship with God series : Part Six

Jesus, was our great example of the importance of developing a deep, personal relationship with the Lord. Jesus, was a man of prayer and the Word and while He ministered here on this earth, His life was marked by the number one priority of fellowshipping with the Father. Jesus was connected to God through prayer and the Word, through spending time with Him, at every available opportunity.

Jesus was a very busy man and spent His time, here in this world, ministering to thousands upon thousands of people. He healed the sick, cast out demons and discipled the twelve apostles, but He always made sure, that even though He was always ministering to the needs of others, He would take the time to separate Himself, so that He could communicate and chill with His heavenly Father. Jesus wanted to be with the Father and the Father wanted to be with Him.

He would spend time studying the Word and finding out about Himself, through the reading of the scriptures. Jesus was a man of the word and would often teach the masses in synagogues and also in the open. Jesus breathed a very life of communion to the Lord.

Throughout the business of life, lets put our relationship with the Lord first place and set apart quality time, so that we can hang out with the Father. We all lead busy lives, but leading a busy life, is not an excuse to neglect our relationship with the Lord. Jesus led a busy life, so did the early Church, but they put God first and drew their strength from the presence and glory of God and manifested the life and love of God, to all those they came into contact with. Out of our relationship with the Lord, we're able to release the love and Glory of God to a lost and unsaved world.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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