Monday 21 March 2011

Faith Series : Faith-Filled Words

Words. All around us, every day, we hear them spoken and out of our lips they come forth. They bring life and they also bring death, Proverbs (18:21) "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." They build us up and they tear us down. They bring blessings and they bring curses. Words are powerful and are used in our lives on a consistent basis. They're used to encourage, but also to criticize.

Words contain within them the power to create and words were used by God, through faith, to create the universe, Hebrews (11:3) In the book of Genesis Chapter One, nine times it says "And God said". The Lord's words were full of faith and as He spoke, the power of God was released to create the universe. Everything we see around us, was spoken into existence by God. Words are carriers and containers of the life, power and love of God, that when released in faith, carry within them the ability and potential to change the situations around us.

Matthew 12:34
"Ye offspring of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh"

"For out of the abundance of the heart", what is in our heart in abundance, will eventually find it's way into our thinking and mouths. As we dwell upon and study the word of God, as we think upon Jesus and the things of The Spirit, our hearts become full and overflowing with abundance, with the very life of God. That life is released through our words, into the natural world around us, to produce change and transformation in peoples lives. Through our words, that are full of truth and grace, we can choose to encourage, build up and speak well of the people around us. All too often we're tempted to criticise, judge and to tear down, but instead let's focus on the positive in people and speak of the positive that we see, so that we can bring the life and love of God to the world. Let's be containers, through our words, to make a difference in peoples lives.

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